Saturday, October 2
Balkan Brass Night featuring
Zlatne Uste Brass Band
Veveritse Brass Band
Heavyweights Zlatne Uste Brass Band have been around for over a decade and have played with Saban Bajramovic, Esma Redzepova and many other legendary Roma musicians from Eastern Europe. The foremost presenters of traditional Balkan dance music in the United States, Zlatne Uste's repertoire spans the most important stops in the traditional music of the Balkans, encompassing Serbian, Macedonian, Bulgarian and Gypsy traditions. Veveritse Brass Band finds its inspiration in the drama of the Romany music of the Balkans. With an eye to the powerful exactitude of these melodies, Veveritse still makes room for play. Slippery (squirrelly even), they often start off running almost too fast, only to drop the bottom out; what begins sonorous and jagged straightens up and carries you dancing into the night. The full band features two trumpets, a saxophone, four mid-horns, a tuba and two drummers; this ten deep ensemble creates not a wall of sound, but a raucous tapestry.
Facebook Event Invite
at Drom
85 Avenue A between 5th and 6th St.
(212) 777-1156
Doors 8pm, Show 9pm
$15 in advance / $20 at door
Free with $30 Festival Pass
CALL (212) 777-1156 for TABLE RESERVATIONS

